Interior Painting Tips Everyone Needs to Know Before Getting Started

12/02/2018 734 0 0

For many people, painting seems like one of the most straightforward and effective ways to improve their homes. Colour can brighten a room and give the illusion of more space. It can also be used to evoke certain themes or moods, establishing the atmosphere of a room.

However paint is used in the home, it’s not necessarily easy to do it right. There are a couple of important tips everyone should know before theypick up the brush. A local handyman might be the kind of expert help you need to get the job done.

Determine the Colour Scheme
Choosing a colour scheme and sticking to it is the most important part of maintaining consistency in the paint job. It’s best to consider the colours of surrounding rooms to get an idea of where to start.

Prepare the Room
Paint does not stick well to dirty walls and ceilings, so it’s best to scrub away anything like marks or cobwebs before starting. Any cracked or peeling areas of the surface should be sanded down and rinsed so that the new coat of paint doesn’t appear uneven when applied.

Trims and baseboards should be thoroughly dusted before applying painters tape. The tape itself should overlap each other to prevent any paint leaking between it. Outlet covers should also be removed and the openings covered with tape to prevent paint getting into them.

Use drop cloths and old sheets to protect the floor and any furniture that can’t be moved. Plastic bags tied with tape are a good way to protect doorknobs and other small fixtures.

If it can be helped, wait for dry weather before beginning the job. If it can’t, then paint slowly and allow the paint more time to dry. Windows should be opened to allow the best possible ventilation before any paint cans are opened.

Prepare the Paint
There are online tools that can help determine the quantity of paint that will be needed for the surface area of the room. A salesperson at a hardware store should also be able to calculate the amount needed.
It’s also best to make sure that the paint that is being used is all the same colour. The exact colour of paint can vary from each individual can so it is best to mix them all together before beginning the job. This process is known as “boxing” the paint and helps to maintain the consistency of the colour. Nobody wants to accidentally paint a wall with two noticeably different shades.

Choosing Brushes
Depending on the type of paint that is being used, different types of brushes will be more or less appropriate in applying it.
Water and latex based paints should be applied with nylon bristled brushes as opposed to a natural bristled ones. However, oil based paints will stick better to natural bristled brushes than synthetic ones.

Paint like a Pro
Professional painters will normally have a specific order in how they tackle a job. It’s much easier to start with painting and taping off the trims before moving to other areas. While painting the trim it’s okay to accidentally paint parts of the wall as it will be painted over later on anyway.
After the edges have been cut in with a brush, a roller can then be used to evenly apply paint in a downwards motion. Any mistakes should be painted over as the job goes on before they can dry. Once a coat is evenly applied it should be left to dry as going over the surface again can leave inconsistencies in the final look.
Corner areas should be painted with a brush and then rolled out to make sure the overall texture is consistent. This should be done using a small roller that is the same width as the other rollers that have been used.
It’s impossible to paint some areas in single, consistent movements. Trying to paint these areas can result in lap marks which standout when the surface dries. The best way to avoid this is to feather out each stroke along the edges. This thin coat of paint can be painted over in the next stroke and this process should be repeated across the entire surface.
To maintain a smooth look, it’s best not to apply too much pressure to the roller. Let gravity do the work, as pressing too hard can cause paint to seep out the sides of the roller and affect the consistency.
A local handyman will likely know these tricks and be able to ensure a high quality paint job from start to finish.

Cleaning Up
Cleaning brushes properly depends on the type of paint that was used on them. Since paint will dry onto the brush, the sooner cleaning begins the easier it will be.
Latex paint can be cleaned off using soap and water. Oil based paints will need a mix of special solvents like mineral spirits or paint thinner.

Final Thoughts
Applying paint to a surface isn’t incredibly hard to do. Making sure that it is a consistent colour and texture is what separates the amateurs from the pros.
A local handyman is a smart choice for anyone who needs help in preparing and executing their interior paint job.

Categories: Blog, Local Handyman, Painring, Painting